Day 21 Appointment

Just as all menstrual cycles commence on “Day 1”, all treatment cycles are set-up on “Day 21”. This is the ideal time to see the Fertility Specialist and make decisions regarding your assessment cycle, HyCoSy and initial investigations results.

You will undergo an ultrasound scan on the Day 21 appointment. This is to ensure there are no complications, usually from your previous ovulation, that may prevent you from commencing the planned treatment cycle.

IMPORTANT: This appointment does not have to be exactly on Day 21, as this may fall over the weekend, but if you use the terminology “I need to book a Day 21 appointment”, then the administration staff will know to book you an ultrasound appointment followed by an appointment with your Fertility Specialist.

At this consultation your doctor will provide an overview of the treatment regimens that are recommended to assist with conception. These will be discussed along with any special features that may be offered to optimise the treatment cycle. These special features are used only when the need is identified (see ICSI / Assisted Hatching / Embryo Glue). You are encouraged to take advantage of the doctor’s vast knowledge base and ask any questions you may have regarding your treatment cycle.

The treatment selected is designed to give you the best possible chance of conceiving and will be, in the first instance, the least complex and most effective for your condition. Please be sure that you have discussed your treatment program with your doctor and that you understand it fully before proceeding. It is important to note that the female partner must have patent fallopian tubes for all treatment options with the exception of IVF & ICSI.

Download our treatment cycle handbook