Your Rights:

  • Access – You have the right to receive health care treatment to address your healthcare needs.
  • Safety – To receive safe, and high quality health services, provided with professional care, skill and competence.
  • Respect – To be shown respect, dignity and consideration.  That the care respects your culture’s beliefs, values and personal characteristics.
  • Communication – Be informed about our services, treatment, options and costs in a clear and open way.
  • Participation – To be included in decisions and choices about your care.  To join in on the decision making about health care service planning.
  • Privacy – The right to privacy and confidentiality of your personal information.  The right to ensure your personal privacy is maintained and that proper handling of your personal health and information is assured.
  • Comment – You have the right to comment on or complain about your care and have your concerns dealt with properly and promptly.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Honesty in regard to your medical history and personal information provided.
  • To understand and follow instructions provided to assist with your treatment and recovery.
  • Acceptance of you treatment plan as recommended by your Doctor or be willing to discuss any concerns that you may have with your Doctor.
  • Compliance with relevant PIVET Medical Centre / Perth Day Surgery Centre Policies.
  • Show consideration and courtesy towards staff.