PIVET Medical Centre is committed to managing your health information in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth and State privacy laws and the Australian Privacy Principles contained within the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

Collection of Personal Information

We will collect your personal information and health information to provide you with quality health care. The information is collected following the signing of a Privacy Consent. It is necessary for PIVET to collect personal information from patients and sometimes others who may be associated with your healthcare. The information we may collect is outlined in the Privacy Consent and any information collected from third parties only where it is permitted under the Australian Privacy Principles.

Use of Personal Information

Information collected is used to provide appropriate treatment and care by your health care providers, for health fund billing and medical rebate purposes, quality assurance and clinical audit activities, health service monitoring and accreditation. These bodies have strict policies relating to access and use of your information to protect your rights.

Withholding Information

We respect your right to privacy, however If you choose to provide incomplete or inaccurate information or to withhold relevant information then we may not be able provide the service that you require.

Disclosure of Information

  • We are required to provide patient information to the Department of Health, Western Australia, to your private health fund and de-identified patient data to the Private Hospitals Data Bureau, Reproductive Technologies Accreditation Committee (RTAC), Reproductive Technology Council (RTC) and the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA).
  • For every treatment we perform, de-identified information is provided to Australian and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD) and the Reproductive Technology Council (RTC). The information is required by the government and statutory bodies in compliance with regulatory regulations.
  • Health information may be shared with other IVF doctors and your General Practitioner as well as other service providers such as pathology and ultrasound.
  • Information can be disclosed without your consent in the event of an emergency, where required by law and to fulfill a medical indemnity insurance obligation.

Access to Your Record

You may obtain access to your Health Record provided that your request is genuine and does not impinge on the confidentiality of others. Video/CD images will not be released. More information may be obtained by contacting our Nurse Manager.

Correcting Your Health Record

  • If you believe information held is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate then you may request an amendment to your Health Record.
  • You may correct your personal records by contacting the clinic by telephone or email and we will also notify third parties involved with your medical care.

Website Privacy

If you use our website for purposes of enquiry or submission of information, we will handle your personal information and enquiry in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 and Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Act, and other relevant privacy laws.

Questions and Complaints

Please feel free to discuss any concerns, questions or complaints relating to the handling of your personal and health information by writing to either our Nurse Manager at:

The Nurse Manager

PIVET Medical Centre & Perth Day Surgery Centre

166 – 168 Cambridge Street, Leederville, Perth WA 6007


Reproductive Technology Council
